Reviews: Incan Gold

Rocks Fall, Everyone Goes Back to Camp

Incan Gold is a 2005 game designed by Bruno Faidutti and Alan Moon, and published by Eagle-Gryphon Games

Incan Gold is a push-your-luck game for 3 to 8 where players compete to loot the most treasure from an ancient Incan ruin.  Each turn you venture a little deeper and find either riches to split between each player, or hazards that may force you to leave empty handed.  But you can always call it quits early and head back to camp with the treasure in hand, and hope that everyone still in the ruins gets bitten by snakes.

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Reviews: 7 Wonders Duel

7 Wonders, but little!

7 Wonders Duel is a 2015 game designed by Antoine Bauza and Bruno Cathala, and published by Repos Production

7 Wonders Duel is a head-to-head two player game where players compete at collecting cards to build their ancient civilization.  Victory can be claimed through three avenues: dominating your rival with your superior military, eclipsing their society with your advanced scientific achievements, or having more points than they do.

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Reviews: Dice Hospital

Dice can die! Pun intended.

Dice Hospital is a 2018 game designed by Stan Kardonskiy and Mike Nudd, and published by Alley Cat Games

Dice Hospital is an engine building puzzly-race game for 1 to 4 players, where each player competes to run the most efficient hospital.  Choose treatments for your dice patients to reduce the severity of their maladies until they can be safely discharged.  Or give up on them and shuffle them off to the morgue.

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Reviews: Roll for the Galaxy

Race for the Galaxy, but dice!

Roll for the Galaxy is a 2014 game designed by Wei-Hwa Huang and Thomas Lehmann, and published by Rio Grande Games

Roll for the Galaxy is a dice-based tableau-builder where 2 to 5 players compete to build a galactic empire.  Dominate space through military might or a flashy ad-campaign, assuming your citizens are working the right jobs at the right time.  May the best galactic ruler win!

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Reviews: Race for the Galaxy

Featuring Daft Punk?

Race for the Galaxy is a 2007 game designed by Thomas Lehmann, and published by Rio Grande Games

Race for the Galaxy is a tableau-building game for 2-4 players competing to expand their military, economic, and/or cultural influence throughout the galaxy fastest. Build your forces, mine planets for precious resources, and try to remember what all the iconography means. May the best Galactic Superpower win!

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Reviews: 6 Nimmt

Counting was never so spiteful

6 nimmt! is a 1994 game designed by Wolfgang Kramer, and published by Mayfair Games. It has been republished by Amigo in the U.S. as Take 5, combining the original 6 nimmt! game with the x nimmt! variations in one box.

6 Nimmt, or Take 5 in the U.S., is a card game for 2 to 10 players where each player chooses a numbered card in their hand simultaneously; those cards are then place sequentially in one of four rows.  Whoever places the 6th card in a row collects the preceding 5, scoring undesirable points.

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